Video Transcription : Increase Views By Transcribing Your Videos

The benefits of a video transcription

A video transcription is the written form of a video file, or to be more specific the written form of all the conversation that was present in the video. If you are a video content creator, providing a precise transcription of your videos can have many benefits for your online visibility and audience outreach.

We are sure that it takes hard work to create high quality content. This is the reason you should make sure to spread it out there so you can reach a wide audience. Even though this includes a few extra steps during the process of post-production and video distribution, in the end it will pay off, and your content will reach more people, which means that your possible profit from the video content will increase. A huge number of content creators upload their new videos on YouTube every day. This is why it might be hard to stand out. Adding a transcription to your video is a great way to make your content more accessible and competitive in this viewing competition.

So, how can exactly can you benefit from a video transcription?

1. Accessibility

Hearing problems

Transcripts can be very helpful when it comes to accessibility of your video content. First, we would like to provide you with an information from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. They say that around 15% of all adults in the United States (37.5 million people) report hearing problems of some sort. Let that sink in. For all those people to truly enjoy your video content a transcription of the audio would be very helpful. Also, it is important to mention that it is fairly easy to make closed captions out of transcripts. When you provide accurate transcription alongside your video, you are making your content accessible to a wide range of audience who would otherwise not have the opportunity to enjoy your valuable content, and they will surely appreciate your additional effort.

Non-native speakers

We know that internet connects the world. Considering there is no censorship in the country you live in, no matter your location you have access an incredible amount of information, documents and videos. So, when it comes to accessibility it is also important to mention all the non-native speakers who might be interested in viewing your video content but the English language could be an obstacle. Providing transcripts helps with comprehension, firstly because it is easier to look up a word that you don’t know, when you can see how it is written. On the other hand, a transcript can be easily translated with tools like Google Translate so that your audience members from distant countries, even if they don’t speak English at all, can get an idea of what message you are trying to convey. Just think about all the potential for expanding your audience when you have this globalized approach. All of this depends on having a good transcription.

Inconvenience of listening to a video

It is important to mention all the people who want to consume your content but it isn’t convenient for them to turn the volume up. Maybe they are commuting to work or waiting for an appointment, they are on their mobile phone and they just forgot their headphones. In this case, if you are offering them an option of reading your content, they might be delighted. Most people are creatures of habit, so if you offer your audience an opportunity to enjoy your high-quality content at their own pace, place and time, they will probably become your loyal, subscribed followers.

Bad internet connection Even today there are some places in remote parts of the world which don’t have a good internet connection. You surely know that viewing a video file requires a better internet connection than to simply read a text. This is why in some parts of the world people can only engage in your content if it is written down. Providing a good transcript of your video content will therefore be of great help to those people, they can consume your content simply by reading the text and get a good overview of what is going on in your video.

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2. Search engine optimization (SEO)

When it comes to search engines, like Google or Yahoo, we can say that even though they developed a lot in recent years, they are still not able to crawl audio or video files. This is why a video file doesn’t do much for your online visibility. But, if you add a transcript to your video file, your content will be easier to find through a search engine. These search engines use advanced algorithms to find certain keywords in order to classify pages on their search results pages. If you have a transcript of your video content, it will have many of these keywords in one place, in a logical context, so the crawlers will recognize your page and will place it higher on the search results list. SEO will expand your audience, so don’t miss out on this, it will pay off very soon.

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3. User experience

A video is a very popular form of content. But still there are many people who prefer other ways of content consumption. It is always a good idea to offer your audience a choice: do they want to listen to you talking about a subject or do they want to read what you have to say. Audience will appreciate this and might even get hooked on your content. Maybe they will even feel like sharing it with others.

Options for how to get your transcription

All of the benefits that we describe above – better accessibility, SEO boost, better user experience, they all have one thing in common: their ideal end result is a profound increase in views. With the increase of views comes an increase in all sorts of good stuff, for example the profitability of your video content creation venture. However, as we also mentioned above, all of this depends on a crucial little step that is called transcription. So, if we caught your attention and convinced you of a few benefits that adding a transcription to your video content might bring, we will now talk about the very process of transcribing and various transcription options.

  1. Automated transcription

With the rise of artificial intelligence, automated transcription services have also evolved. They are fast, uncomplicated and fairly cheap. They are a great choice if you need your transcription fast and if the sound quality of your file is really good. If not, you will probably have problems with the accuracy. If you choose automated transcription services, always check their precision rates, and when you get their transcript double check it for any possible errors, omissions or misunderstandings.

  • Human transcription

If you want your transcription to be of maximum possible accuracy, there is one really good choice, and it is called Gglot. We provide transcription services of highest quality, made by our skilled and experienced professional transcribers. We work accurately, try to get the job done as fast as possible and offer you a fair price. Our website is user-friendly even for people who aren’t really technically savvy. Just send us the video or audio file which you want to transcribe and wait for the transcription.

  • Do it yourself

This option is for those of you with a tight budget who have enough free time and nerves of steel. Writing a transcription might seem easy at first, but you will soon find out that it is more challenging than it seems, so don’t underestimate it. You will probably need around four hours to transcribe 60 minutes of audio. But only if you are a very proficient typist. You will have to pause and rewind a lot, and then write down what you heard, sentence by sentence, minute by minute. You can also try to use a free tool to help you with this, for example Jot Engine. Happy typing! Hope you stocked up enough coffee. Remember to take frequent breaks and stretch a bit.


So, why should you do a transcription of your video file? It will make your video more accessible for people with hearing problems, non-native speakers and people with bad internet connection. You will also give your audience a choice in which format to consume your content. On top of that, transcripts boost your SEO. When it comes to the process of transcribing you can choose between the fast, but not so accurate automated transcription service, an accurate transcription service, like Gglot, done by a trained professional or if you are a real typing enthusiast, you can try and do it by yourself, but in this case be prepared to invest time into this project.

We hope this article was helpful to you. Now is the time to upgrade your video content by adding a good transcription and getting the best possible results in terms of visibility, accessibility and audience outreach.