How to quickly transcribe, translate or subtitle videos

How to quickly transcribe, translate or subtitle videos

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This video will help you a lot if you need one of these services:
• Transcribe videos for you or others
• Translate videos for you or others
• Subtitle videos for yourself or others

This video will help you save money, whether you pay for these services or make more money if you already provide one of these services or think about starting to provide it.
I am going to introduce you to a new application that does the translation, transcription and subtitling of videos in more than 60 languages.

This is your chance to make money from transcribing videos or stop paying for this or other related services.

And, if you, like me, have online courses, you can still create subtitles for your videos in any language and start selling to other countries such as Latin American countries that speak Spanish or other countries in several other languages.