6 Ways Content Marketers Can Repurpose Audio & Video Using Transcriptions

Repurpose recorded content using transcripts

Marketing isn’t always only about words. Videos, podcasts, webinars, presentations are all great marketing materials. If you are in the marketing business you are probably already aware of the fact that recorded material can easily be repurposed or reused by creating other formats and in that way they continue to be a valuable marketing source. If you have a transcript of a recorded marketing content, it is going to be really easy to repurpose it. Blog articles, posts on social media and other pieces of written marketing texts can easily arise out of transcripts. By repurposing content, the hardest work is already done and you don’t have to put your energy into creating new things all the time, but you make the most out of the work you have already done. The main goal is to share the content with as many people as possible. You always need to keep in mind that people have different personalities and they prefer different content formats. Also, repurposing will reinforce your message so the audience gets to hear it more often, thus you will increase the awareness of your brand. Do you want to have more content and increased traffic, but also save time? Stay tuned and read our article on repurposing recorded content.  

1. Blog articles

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In a blog article you can express different goals: you can announce different new ideas, inform the readers about the industry or present your achievements. Let’s see how your recorded materials can be used as a base for a blog.

Is your podcast getting lots of traffic? A great way of repurposing podcasts is to transcribe one of the episodes, add some comments to it, and publish it as a blog post. If you are transcribing interviews with experts or executives, your writers can also easily implement influential quotes into their articles.

Or let’s take presentations for example: while giving a 5-minute presentation, the average presenter says around 750 words and when it comes to length, that would make a perfect blog article. The whole presentation can serve as basis for their own text, since it can easily be turned into three blog posts. The writers will only have to make the flow of the article a little smoother and polish up the copy, since the spoken word isn’t always ideal for a written text. In the end, it is important to mention that if you publish a blog post based on a podcast episode or a presentation, you should implement a link to the source podcast at the end of the blog article.

2. Email

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Knowing how to communicate with your costumers in a right way will for sure have an impact on the business earnings. Today, using personalized communication whenever it is possible is of fundamental importance. Marketing experts often use emails as a tool to give the communication with clients a personalized touch. But composing those emails can be a challenge. If you transcribe a presentation or a marketing video, it might give you some ideas about the newest developments in the company, which could be interesting for the clients. Thus, those transcripts can serve as a great incentive and often, especially if we are talking about marketing videos, some parts of the recorded content can directly be embedded in a marketing email.

3. White papers

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A white paper is a report or guide which aims to inform people concisely about a complicated subject in the industry and presents the companies thoughts on that subject. The main goal is for readers to understand a subject. As you can see, they are a very valuable marketing tool. Naturally, a good source for the writing a white paper could be a transcript of a presentation given by an expert who works at your company. You can use the transcription to create an outline for the white paper. Although white papers are not easy to write, they can really pay off if they are presented to the right readers, because they tend to be shared among colleagues, so they usually reach a wide audience.

4. Social media

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Let’s not forget about social media, since they play a crucial role in marketing. Even though you can’t write a novel on Facebook and you must limit yourself to 280 characters on Twitter, marketing via social media is a must. There is even an “old” saying that goes like this: „It didn’t happen if it’s not on social media!“. Most people today are somehow present in the virtual world. Businesses need to have an online presence as well if they consider themselves to be modern and want to keep up with trends. But it is not always easy to think of the right, catchy status. In marketing via social media, you need to find brief, compelling or unique quotes that would be shared a lot. Maybe actively going through transcripts of presentations, marketing videos or interviews in search for the right quote isn’t always the best approach, since it is going to be time consuming and you will probably have the feeling that you are looking for a needle in a haystack. We suggest that your marketing team, when going through transcripts of recordings in order to repurpose that content and get inspired to write blogs, keep an open eye for interesting quotes which might be used as statuses on Instagram, Facebook, Tweeter or other social media profiles of the company. Those quotes could be written down in a shared document and published at some point later on.

If you want to publish very visual quote graphics on Instagram, you can use free Apps like Word Swag. This is a user-friendly app, which offers around 50 backgrounds for free which you can use for the design of your graphic quote. You chose the size of the post, different effects, as well as the text style. When you’re satisfied with your quote, all you need to do is to save the file and upload it to your social media profile.

5. Infographics

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People simply love pictures! That is why over the past couple of years, infographics have experienced a boost in popularity. Infographics are images and charts with text which give the reader explanation about a specific subject by summarizing large amounts of data. They come in many faces and they are a great marketing tool, since they tend to be shared a lot via social media due to their visual attractiveness. Infographics usually don’t have a strict structure, which is great if you want to incorporate content from a webinar or a podcast. Images simply are the most vital form of content for businesses. You will still need to do some background check of a specific topic. Often a transcript of a podcast or a webinar on this specific topic can help you connect ideas and if you have a good designer and a good marketing team, after some brainstorming you will be able to create an interesting infographic. If you don’t have a designer, you can use services like Piktochart or Visme, since they offer templates for those who aren’t experts in that field.  Infographics are a great way to promote your business. Also, you are also going to drive traffic to your webinar recording or your podcast. All you need to do is to make sure to include information of the original source in the infographics (maybe a link to the podcast or the webinar).

6. FAQ Content

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If you have a transcription of a webinar, a good idea would be to implement in the FAQ page on your website some of the questions which were asked by the audience during the webinar. You won’t have to put much effort nor time into this. It is important to mention that before you publish the content, it would be good that the presenter checks the answers one more time, since that will give him the possibility to be more detailed and maybe to better structure his responses. When you are expanding your FAQ page, you are saving yourself and your team time, because they can direct customers to the FAQ for a complete response to their questions without having to write the answers over and over.

Final thoughts: Marketing specialist have the tough job of always coming up with new ideas and new content about a product. They work under lots of pressure since they tend to have too much to do and they chronically lack time. If you want to make life easier for the marketing team, you need to provide them with information about the newest developments in the company. Recorded presentations, webinars and podcasts are ideal for that, but they don’t necessarily have the time to sit and listen to the whole recording and to try to derive the most important points and interesting quotes which might serve them for their marketing content. By transcribing audio files, the marketing team will be unburdened, more efficient and they will have the possibility to concentrate more on simply being creative. If they can easily repurpose recorded content in a new format and give it new life, they will be able to reach an audience of readers that otherwise may have never found it.

Thus, keep in mind that transcripts will make it a million times easier to create new content from recorded data. The only thing you will need is a good transcription service provider. Gglot can offer you quality transcription services for a fair price.