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Automaattõlked on vaid ühe puudutuse kaugusel

Are you in need of professional translation services? Look no further than Gglot! Our reliable and user-friendly platform can quickly and accurately translate your files into multiple languages. With an expansive list of language options, including English, Russian, Chinese, German, and Japanese, Gglot can handle any translation project with ease. And for extra assurance, manual translations are available in app and provided by an exceptional team of translators.

Whether you need transcription or translation services, our platform is flexible and designed to meet your specific needs. Say goodbye to unreliable services like Veed, Sonix, Happy Scribe, or even Google Translate, and experience the power of Gglot for yourself.

The power of Gglot

Tõlked uueks alguseks
Miljon teie jaoks kohandatud kasutusjuhtu
Tõlked uueks alguseks

Are you looking to venture into new markets or connect with a diverse audience? Gglot offers professional translation services that help you bridge the language gap, facilitating smooth communication and fostering cultural understanding. When Gglot handles your sensitive documents, rest assured that your data is safe and secure with state-of-the-art encryption. We respect your privacy and do not have access to any data from your documents or their translations. Traveling to a new country and need important documents translated? Gglot has your back.

Miljon teie jaoks kohandatud kasutusjuhtu
Tehniline aruanne mis tahes keeles

With Gglot’s native understanding of technical terms, translating technical reports has never been easier. Our advanced neural network ensures seamless connections between your report’s context and the translated content, allowing you to convey your message accurately across languages.

Tehniline aruanne mis tahes keeles
Transkribeerige oma intervjuud
Miljon teie jaoks kohandatud kasutusjuhtu
Transkribeerige oma intervjuud

Gglot’s ability to discern multiple speakers makes transcribing audio and video interviews a breeze. Our excellent vocabulary filter lets you add important jargon terms between you and your interviewee, ensuring that no crucial information is missed during the transcription process.

Miljon teie jaoks kohandatud kasutusjuhtu
Teie viirusliku video pealdised

Make your YouTube videos accessible to a global audience with Gglot’s easy transcription service. No upload required – simply paste a YouTube link into our dashboard, and Gglot will automatically download, process, and transcribe your video. Reach viewers around the world with accurate captions, enhancing your content’s engagement and shareability.

Teie viirusliku video pealdised

How Gglot works

Designed with simplicity and speed in mind, converts audio to text in over 50 languages such as English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, German, Dutch, Chinese, Korean for one low price.

How Gglot works
Samm 1
Laadi üles

Toetame mitmesuguseid heli- ja videofaile: .mp3, .mp4, .m4a, .aac ja .wav .mp4, .wma, .mov ja .avi

2. samm

Vaadake oma ärakirja ajakoodide ja mitme kõlariga üle

How Gglot works
How Gglot works
3. samm
Lae alla

Salvestage ja eksportige oma ärakiri MS Wordi, PDF-i, SRT-na, VTT-na ja muuna

4. samm
Ja see on kõik!

Mõne minuti pärast on teie täidetud ärakiri käes. Kui teie fail on transkribeeritud, pääsete sellele juurde oma juhtpaneeli kaudu ja saate seda meie veebiredaktoriga redigeerida.

Tõlgi videod Subtiitrite tõlkelahendus

Mida sa siis ootad?

Transkribeerige oma videod juba täna hõlpsalt ja jõudke laiema vaatajaskonnani!

Try Gglot for free

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